look at my pussy and smell my cherry

Just a quick post as we’re watching The Fall and I love Gillian Anderson. She’s possibly the only woman who I’d kill Paul for. I used to be a proper X-Phile back in the day, but that went to the wayside when I discovered a) boys and b) tauter, less convoluted drama. So, as I’m watching that, I just wanted a quick word on something I’ve found that really hits my sweet tooth and is completely syn-free – wild cherry tea. It smells amazing and I found it for 70p for the tin in a chinese supermarket. There was a whole range of flavours, but I used to smoke cherry tobacco so thought this might replace that taste. It’s delicious! Other teas are meant to be beneficial to your health, particularly green tea – so why not give them a whirl and see how you get on. Much better to have a cup of black tea than a box of Black Magic, after all…


Finally, as compensation for no recipe today, here’s a picture of Cat One (Bowser) enjoying my freshly laundered towels. The little tinker looks bright as ever.10733724_782297968510475_6257548938090561680_o

Goodnight all. Baked polenta and chicken recipe card coming tomorrow…


