when will we share precious moments? more Slimming World shenanigans

Evening all!

Just a quick post to explain where we are – we’re currently having extensive work done to Chubby Towers (you can sum it all up by saying we’re chucking out everything we own and buying new stuff) – we’re also having all our walls painted, new carpets throughout, plastering, new central heating, new doors – all sorts of shite that I’m just too much of a Mary to do myself. It’s long overdue – we’ve been saving up to make the house look less like somewhere you’d go for an assisted suicide for a long, long time. Now we’re flush, we’re having it all done out.

What this means is that a lot of our belongings are packed away in boxes, including a lot of our kitchen pieces, just while all the dust and paint and gruff manly talk is flying around. This in turn makes writing the blog a bit difficult – our computer has gone to the garage (replaced with a shiny Mac which I’m not allowed to use yet) – and it’s quite difficult to type a long entry out on an iPad. So – I’m still going to be updating for the next couple of weeks, but it’ll be shorter and probably just me wobbling my lips about stuff that has vexed me! It’ll be worth it though. 

So yes! We’re still going to be around – you’ll see more of us on our facebook/twitter accounts and plenty of Slimming World recipes:

  • twitter: @twochubbycubs
  • Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/twochubbycubs
  • Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/588599111240512/



