carrot cake overnight oats

A very quick post tonight as I have an electrician coming around and we have to go scour the house to make sure there aren’t errant bottles of lube on the bathroom shelving or other such nonsense. He’s going up in the loft and I’m not 100% sure I can say with certainty that there isn’t a box of condoms just out of reach near the loft hatch where we’ve had to hastily hide things when people come around. So that’s that. Tonight’s recipe is a delicious variation on the overnights oats recipe that seems to get so many slimmers moist at the gusset – this one combining all of the flavours of carrot cake without all of the fat – in fact, you could easily make it syn free if you want.

slimming world carrot cake overnight oats

to make carrot cake overnights you should:

tip a cup of oats (not being all American, it’s just easier to say cup because you need an equal amount of oats to almond milk – 35g is your healthy extra so match that with milk) You can use yoghurt I suppose, a toffee Muller would be nice, but I enjoy almond milk because you can have an absolute shit-ton on SW and still be within your HEA. So yeah, oats and milk into a jar. Grate a medium carrot in there and add a mashed up banana. Add half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder. Either use a tsp of brown sugar (two syns, if that) or some sweetener (bleurgh) and mix it all up. Add a few raisins if you want – 25g is 4 syns, but I added about 8 raisins so at the very most it’ll be half a syn, so I didn’t even count it. Make this syn free by using a syn-free yoghurt, sweetener and no raisins but goodness me, you might as well suck your thumb for all the taste that’ll have. Mix it all up, put it on the side if you don’t like it cold in the morning or fridge it if you prefer. Enjoy in the morning!

Some people will tell you adding a mashed banana means you have added a tweak, but I say bugger off to that. You’re eating the same amount of banana that you would if you just ate a banana normally, so there’s no extra sugar, syns or effort needed.

Enjoy! Share this recipe, it’s a really good breakfast variant and a sneaky way of getting some superfree in!

