ALERT: our book DINNER TIME only 99p – for one day only!

Hello everyone! With apologies for the unprompted email (we’re still alive) – just a heads-up to you all that for one day only – Saturday 8 October – our newest book DINNER TIME will be 99p on Amazon. It’s the Kindle version rather than the hardback, but that’s perfect for having a copy on your phone if you’re shopping or just reading it in the kitchen without getting your screen mucky. Unless your phone looks like mine, that is, like trying to read a newspaper through a film of wallpaper paste. Oh stop it! Click here to order or click on the photo!

A little plea too: if you see any of our social media promoting this, do give it a share or tag in anyone else who may be interested in this deal – it will really help us out. Also, we have noticed in the comments – and understandably so – that lots of folks simply can’t afford £10 for a book, and that’s just fine. Hopefully this way more people will get to read and enjoy it, which is all we ever set out to do. Remember too: you don’t need a Kindle to read this, simply download the Amazon Kindle app onto your phone or tablet and you’re good to go.

Enjoy, and I hope everyone is keeping well!


