roll out the bunting, drum roll please, as muller replied…

Yes! Remember my deliciously sassy letter to the Muller Customer Services line? You should do, it wasn’t bad. Click here for a refresher but essentially I fired off a letter proclaiming them to be amazing and suggesting some new flavours. I made the letter interesting, put a bit of humour into it and tried to bring a smile to whoever opened it up. I expected a nice personal reply and well…


I’m not going to fib – Mrs Pounds, I’m sure you’re a lovely lady, but that response was a bit dry. They did stick £2 into the letter which was nice but as Paul seems deadset on spending my entire monthly wage on After-Eight flavour yoghurts, it won’t go far!

I’ll be doing another letter next week.

As an update – I’ve been working 16 / 17 hour days at the moment with work and it’s proving to be a bit of a knacker – certainly, I haven’t seen Paul and there’s only so many times you can look at a Subway salad served with all the grace and elan of a shitting dog and be enthused. So tonight I ordered Wagamamas to eat at my desk and felt like a king. Not going to lie, it’s probably about a billion syns (though I swapped the oil for low-sodium soy sauce and it was grilled chicken on the noodles, so maybe not too bad). I hope I get back on with the recipes tomorrow.

As an aside, how lovely was this – I asked Him Indoors to make me a nice tea for when I got in last night at close to midnight – he had made gnocchi Slimming World style and left it warming. He might fart like a dying buffalo but he’s good at heart.


